
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020

Ventilator Training

Ventilator Training

History of Anti-vaccination Movements | History of Vaccines

History of Anti-vaccination Movements | History of Vaccines

Capturing hearts & minds with facts and figures: Where is the evidence f...


Too Much, Too Crazy: A Pandemic, A Presidential Election, and Global Hea...


Webinar series: Delivering essential quality MNCH services during COVID-19 | Quality of Care Network

Webinar series: Delivering essential quality MNCH services during COVID-19 | Quality of Care Network

Webinar : Redesain dan Refungsi Tata Ruang Operasi dan Tata Udara Bertek...


Delivering quality essential MNCH services during covid-19/


Best practices and lessons learned from an inter-agency perception surve...


VitalTalks: COVID-19 and Beyond: Cities on the Front Lines of a Healthie...


Webinar series: Delivering essential quality MNCH services during COVID-19 | Quality of Care Network

Webinar series: Delivering essential quality MNCH services during COVID-19 | Quality of Care Network

Beyond Tobacco Exceptionalism: Political Economy Approach to Public Heal...


Bibir Covid - Pengalaman RS menghadapi COVID-19


2020 WSC Spotlight – Early Identification and Appropriate Clinical Manag...


WHS Program Planner

WHS Program Planner

International Journal of Health Governance | Emerald Publishing

International Journal of Health Governance | Emerald Publishing

iLACAST TOGETHER WE CAN OVERCOME - Implementing Wise Decisions in COVID-...


iLACAST TOGETHER WE CAN OVERCOME - Implementing Wise Decisions in COVID-...


Mosquitoes’ Taste for Blood Traced to Four Types of Neurons |

Mosquitoes’ Taste for Blood Traced to Four Types of Neurons |

Pemanfaatan Teknologi AI Computer Vision Guna Menunjang Implementasi Pro...


Saving Newborn Lives Legacy – Healthy Newborn Network

Saving Newborn Lives Legacy – Healthy Newborn Network

2020 WSC Spotlight – Sepsis, Ebola, and COVID-19


Long-term Health Consequences of COVID-19 | Cardiology | JAMA | JAMA Network

Long-term Health Consequences of COVID-19 | Cardiology | JAMA | JAMA Network

Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 | CDC

Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 | CDC

Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic | CDC

Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic | CDC

Personal and Social Activities | COVID-19 | CDC

Personal and Social Activities | COVID-19 | CDC



How to protect yourself against COVID-19


Global partnership to make available 120 million affordable, quality COVID-19 rapid tests for low- and middle-income countries

Global partnership to make available 120 million affordable, quality COVID-19 rapid tests for low- and middle-income countries



Time to try intermittent fasting? - Harvard Health

Time to try intermittent fasting? - Harvard Health

Influencing Risk Perceptions about COVID-19

Influencing Risk Perceptions about COVID-19

Smartphone Video Otoscope To The Rescue: The HearScope Review - The Medical Futurist

Smartphone Video Otoscope To The Rescue: The HearScope Review - The Medical Futurist

Creating reliable and informative video content for patients

Creating reliable and informative video content for patients

Accountability Breakfast 2020


Tech Guru Virtual Session: How to empower healthcare providers in Indone...


Heart Cell Atlas | Home

Heart Cell Atlas | Home

COVID-19 | Hygiene Hub

COVID-19 | Hygiene Hub

Countries Lacking Clean Water | Water Mission

Countries Lacking Clean Water | Water Mission

AHA Team Training Webinar Library | AHA

AHA Team Training Webinar Library | AHA : View videos and slides from previous AHA Team Training monthly webinars.

Follow-Up: Are There Any Patients In Instant Hospitals Wuhan Built For COVID-19? : Goats and Soda : NPR

Follow-Up: Are There Any Patients In Instant Hospitals Wuhan Built For COVID-19? : Goats and Soda : NPR

Anthony Fauci on lessons learned so far in the Covid-19 pandemic

Anthony Fauci on lessons learned so far in the Covid-19 pandemic

International Day of Clean Air for blue skies | SEI

International Day of Clean Air for blue skies | SEI

Air pollution and its impact on human health: an important driver for achieving the 1.5°C goal of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | SEI

Air pollution and its impact on human health: an important driver for achieving the 1.5°C goal of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | SEI

Building back better: why we must address air pollution to tackle public health and climate change | SEI

Building back better: why we must address air pollution to tackle public health and climate change | SEI



(11) Participatory film making on Antibiotic Resistance (ABR) - YouTube

(11) Participatory film making on Antibiotic Resistance (ABR) - YouTube : Nikmati video dan musik yang Anda suka, upload konten asli, dan bagikan dengan teman, keluarga, serta dunia di YouTube.

COVID-19: Science in 5: Episode #2 - SARS CoV 2

COVID-19: Science in 5: Episode #2 - SARS CoV 2

Selling second best: how infant formula marketing works | Globalization and Health | Full Text

Selling second best: how infant formula marketing works | Globalization and Health | Full Text

Keselamatan Pasien FKRTL - YouTube

(1) Keselamatan Pasien FKRTL - YouTube

Webinars | National Diabetes Education Program | Diabetes | CDC

Webinars | National Diabetes Education Program | Diabetes | CDC

Mask Guidance Playbook | Prevent Epidemics

Mask Guidance Playbook | Prevent Epidemics : Promoting mask use is one of the key interventions governments, communities, businesses, and other organizations can implement to control COVID-19.

Mask Guidance Playbook | Prevent Epidemics

Mask Guidance Playbook | Prevent Epidemics

The Reopening of Schools During COVID-19 | HMS Postgraduate Education

The Reopening of Schools During COVID-19 | HMS Postgraduate Education

Schools —

Schools —

Feedback format for providing comments / suggestions on the draft Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030

Feedback format for providing comments / suggestions on the draft Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030

Q&A: Staying at hotels and accommodation establishments and COVID-19

Q&A: Staying at hotels and accommodation establishments and COVID-19

Q&A: Staying at hotels and accommodation establishments and COVID-19

Q&A: Staying at hotels and accommodation establishments and COVID-19

2nd INA-TIME 2020 Virtual Day 1


Scientists discover COVID-19 symptoms appear in a specific order

Scientists discover COVID-19 symptoms appear in a specific order

Modelling the Manufacturing Process for COVID-19 Vaccines: Our Approach | Center For Global Development

Modelling the Manufacturing Process for COVID-19 Vaccines: Our Approach | Center For Global Development

Cost Effectiveness and Disease Burden


COVID-19: Webcast - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

COVID-19: Webcast - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Recorded Webinar: Coproducing Healthcare Service and its improvement: understanding the lived reality of the person sometimes known as "patient".

Recorded Webinar: Coproducing Healthcare Service and its improvement: understanding the lived reality of the person sometimes known as "patient".

Begini Isi Rekaman Diduga Staf Terawan Ancam Pejabat UPN Veteran - Nasional

Begini Isi Rekaman Diduga Staf Terawan Ancam Pejabat UPN Veteran - Nasional

Nasal Swab Robot – Brain Navi

Nasal Swab Robot – Brain Navi



Publishing Research when English is your second language - Wiley Research APAC Webinars

Publishing Research when English is your second language - Wiley Research APAC Webinars

To beat back COVID-19, we will need more than antibodies

To beat back COVID-19, we will need more than antibodies

Guidance for K-12 School Administrators on the Use of Cloth Face Coverings in Schools | CDC

Guidance for K-12 School Administrators on the Use of Cloth Face Coverings in Schools | CDC

Guidance for K-12 School Administrators on the Use of Cloth Face Coverings in Schools | CDC

Guidance for K-12 School Administrators on the Use of Cloth Face Coverings in Schools | CDC

Webinar series: Transforming care for small and sick newborns | Quality of Care Network

Webinar series: Transforming care for small and sick newborns | Quality of Care Network

Dr. Galit Alter: Using Systems Serology to Define Antibody Responses to ...


Recorded Webinar: Problem Detection with Gary Klein

Recorded Webinar: Problem Detection with Gary Klein

CSR: Education - TobaccoTactics

CSR: Education - TobaccoTactics : Tobacco industry corporate social responsibility (CSR) donations and programmes often focus on education. This type of CSR is part of a longstanding industry strategy recognised by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having “no beneficial outcomes for youth” and that enables tobacco companies to “gain the mantle of good corporate citizenship”. Publicly, the tobacco industry […]

CSR: Education - TobaccoTactics

CSR: Education - TobaccoTactics

CSR: Health - TobaccoTactics

CSR: Health - TobaccoTactics

COVID-19 in Canada: Experience and Response | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network

COVID-19 in Canada: Experience and Response | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network : This Viewpoint summarizes federal, provincial, and regional responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and explores reasons for differences in pandemic outcomes in Canada and the US.

Universal Masking to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Transmission—The Time Is Now | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network

Universal Masking to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Transmission—The Time Is Now | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network : In this issue of JAMA, Wang et al present evidence that universal masking of health care workers (HCWs) and patients can help reduce transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections.1 In the largest health care system in Massachusetts with more than 75 000...

Universal Masking to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Transmission—The Time Is Now | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network

Universal Masking to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Transmission—The Time Is Now | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network

COVID-19 in Canada: Experience and Response | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network

COVID-19 in Canada: Experience and Response | Infectious Diseases | JAMA | JAMA Network

(580) Listening to community feedback: a discussion on how to better close the loop and inform action - YouTube

(580) Listening to community feedback: a discussion on how to better close the loop and inform action - YouTube

The Next COVID-19 Phase | Geriatrics | JN Learning | AMA Ed Hub

The Next COVID-19 Phase | Geriatrics | JN Learning | AMA Ed Hub

Solid Waste Management – Watsan MissionAssistant

Solid Waste Management – Watsan MissionAssistant

Covid-19 test result delays are ruining America’s chances of stopping the coronavirus - Vox

Covid-19 test result delays are ruining America’s chances of stopping the coronavirus - Vox

Good Covid-19 News From Italy...and Sweden - The Washington Post

Good Covid-19 News From Italy...and Sweden - The Washington Post

'We will live with this for years': virus expert on debilitating after-effects of Covid-19

'We will live with this for years': virus expert on debilitating after-effects of Covid-19

‘Trade offs’ maybe vital to reopen schools and avoid lockdowns – but businesses must be supported | LSHTM

‘Trade offs’ maybe vital to reopen schools and avoid lockdowns – but businesses must be supported | LSHTM

Effective testing and contact tracing is essential for schools to safely open during COVID-19 pandemic | LSHTM

Effective testing and contact tracing is essential for schools to safely open during COVID-19 pandemic | LSHTM

Communication Hub | COVID-19 Risk Communications Hub

Communication Hub | COVID-19 Risk Communications Hub

Communication Hub | COVID-19 Risk Communications Hub

Communication Hub | COVID-19 Risk Communications Hub

(2) Julia Chatterley on Twitter: "Can we trust the #vaccines? "If we have open, objective information from the #FDA and the #CDC advisory committees, incl safety info & those committees without any pressure approve it..then yes..but that's a big if." Great convo with @DrTomFrieden CEO @ResolveTSL" / Twitter

(2) Julia Chatterley on Twitter: "Can we trust the #vaccines? "If we have open, objective information from the #FDA and the #CDC advisory committees, incl safety info & those committees without any pressure approve it..then yes..but that's a big if." Great convo with @DrTomFrieden CEO @ResolveTSL" / Twitter

Health technical webinars on COVID-19 - Dropbox

Health technical webinars on COVID-19 - Dropbox

Sustainable Procurement Guide | Global Green and Healthy Hospitals

Sustainable Procurement Guide | Global Green and Healthy Hospitals

Weekly Science Review: July 25-31 2020 | Prevent Epidemics

Weekly Science Review: July 25-31 2020 | Prevent Epidemics

3 W’s: Wear a mask, Wash your hands, and Watch your distance

Weekly Science Review: July 25-31 2020 | Prevent Epidemics

Up-And-Coming Countries Have Some Of The Largest Outbreaks Of COVID-19 : Goats and Soda : NPR

Up-And-Coming Countries Have Some Of The Largest Outbreaks Of COVID-19 : Goats and Soda : NPR

'No one will thank you for the disease they didn’t get’

'No one will thank you for the disease they didn’t get’

How To Politely Ask Someone To Follow COVID-19 Guidelines : Life Kit : NPR

How To Politely Ask Someone To Follow COVID-19 Guidelines : Life Kit : NPR

Dr. Lee presents Can't Touch This Covid Parody


COVID-19 Immunology 101 for Non-immunologists by Akiko Iwasaki, Ph.D.


Coronavirus - The inside story of Britain’s fight against covid-19 | 1843 | The Economist

Coronavirus - The inside story of Britain’s fight against covid-19 | 1843 | The Economist

Timeline: WHO's COVID-19 response

Timeline: WHO's COVID-19 response

Q&A: Ventilation and air conditioning in public spaces and buildings and COVID-19

Q&A: Ventilation and air conditioning in public spaces and buildings and COVID-19

Marriages and Divorces - Our World in Data

Marriages and Divorces - Our World in Data

Marriages and Divorces - Our World in Data

Marriages and Divorces - Our World in Data

World Breastfeeding Week 2020 Message

World Breastfeeding Week 2020 Message

Framing COVID-19 - PHRASES: Public Health Reaching Across Sectors

Framing COVID-19 - PHRASES: Public Health Reaching Across Sectors

The baby brands turning Indonesian Instagram into free formula ads — The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

The baby brands turning Indonesian Instagram into free formula ads — The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Return to School During COVID-19 -

Return to School During COVID-19 -

Webinar Nasional IDI Restorative Justice atas Penyelesaian Sengketa Medi...




Pengelolaan Tim Emergensi RS dalam Keselamatan Pasien (COVID dan Non-COVID) dan Keselamatan Anggota Tim pada Masa Pandemi

Pengelolaan Tim Emergensi RS dalam Keselamatan Pasien (COVID dan Non-COVID) dan Keselamatan Anggota Tim pada Masa Pandemi

Webinar : Kesehatan Anak di Sekolah Berasrama - Pesantren dan Boarding S...


Engineering Control Fasyankes Pada Pandemi Covid-19


Pandemics Webinar

Pandemics Webinar

FULL INTERVIEW: Dr. Fauci on rising COVID-19 cases, a future vaccine and...


Home | Partnership for Healthy Cities COVID-19 Response Center

Home | Partnership for Healthy Cities COVID-19 Response Center

How to break the chains of transmission.


The role of young people in "infodemic management"


A global pandemic with a side of infodemic—a researcher’s perspective on fighting misinformation

A global pandemic with a side of infodemic—a researcher’s perspective on fighting misinformation

(376) Earth Medic and Earth Nurse Launch Event - 1 July 2020 - YouTube

(376) Earth Medic and Earth Nurse Launch Event - 1 July 2020 - YouTube

Coronavirus Update With Eric Topol


AHA Team Training Resources | AHA

AHA Team Training Resources | AHA

Materi Webinar Terkait Update Covid-19

Materi Webinar Terkait Update Covid-19

Managemen IT Rumah Sakit Guna Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Pelayanan RS


Mauritania: Getting Eyes on the Virus | Prevent Epidemics

Mauritania: Getting Eyes on the Virus | Prevent Epidemics

1st WHO Infodemiology Conference

1st WHO Infodemiology Conference

Pengelolaan Tim Emergensi RS dalam Keselamatan Pasien (COVID dan Non-COVID)


Curious About Contract Tracing? Here's How it Really Works.

Curious About Contract Tracing? Here's How it Really Works. : Misinformation about how contact tracing works has been spreading. Here's what really happens if you get a call.

What's New | Medvarsity

What's New | Medvarsity

Conversations on COVID-19 and Development: Karina Gould


Curious About Contract Tracing? Here's How it Really Works.

Curious About Contract Tracing? Here's How it Really Works.



Outcomes of the first WHO global infodemiology conference


A Matter of Fat


WhatsApp aunties and the spread of fake news | Wellcome Collection

WhatsApp aunties and the spread of fake news | Wellcome Collection

A Young Woman’s Isolation in SF’s Mission District | Pulitzer Center

A Young Woman’s Isolation in SF’s Mission District | Pulitzer Center

Opinion | Need some good news about covid-19? Here are six reasons for optimism. - The Washington Post

Opinion | Need some good news about covid-19? Here are six reasons for optimism. - The Washington Post

Vietnam's Success in Containing COVID-19 Offers Roadmap for Other Developing Countries

Vietnam's Success in Containing COVID-19 Offers Roadmap for Other Developing Countries

Will the Demands of COVID-19 on Supply Chains Bring Lasting Transformations, or Is It a Passing Train? | Center For Global Development

Will the Demands of COVID-19 on Supply Chains Bring Lasting Transformations, or Is It a Passing Train? | Center For Global Development

School’s Out: Now What? | Center For Global Development

School’s Out: Now What? | Center For Global Development

COVID-19 and Budgetary Space for Health in Developing Economies | Center For Global Development

COVID-19 and Budgetary Space for Health in Developing Economies | Center For Global Development

Violence Against Women During COVID-19 | Anne Firth Murray | Global Fund...


Cybersecurity & Privacy in the Era of COVID-19 | Shuman Ghosemajumder | ...


Cybersecurity & Privacy in the Era of COVID-19 | Shuman Ghosemajumder | ...


COVID-19 Facts & Myths | Dr. Anurag Mairal | Stanford Biodesign


Banksy 'brightens up' Southampton hospital with tribute to nurses | The Art Newspaper

Banksy 'brightens up' Southampton hospital with tribute to nurses | The Art Newspaper

Sosialisasi Pedoman COVID-19 ke-5


CAWST | Expertise

CAWST | Expertise

COVID-19 One-Stop Shop Toolkits

COVID-19 One-Stop Shop Toolkits

International Data: Indonesia - PRB

International Data: Indonesia - PRB

eIntegrity Hub

eIntegrity Hub

Episode 008: A tobacco-free generation

Episode 008: A tobacco-free generation

The Tricky Math of COVID-19 Herd Immunity | Quanta Magazine

The Tricky Math of COVID-19 Herd Immunity | Quanta Magazine

GFMER collation of specific WHO online courses on COVID-19

GFMER collation of specific WHO online courses on COVID-19

World Patient Safety Day 2020

World Patient Safety Day 2020

Thread (@KawalCOVID19): Data Tak Mampu Lagi Berdusta (sebuah utas)

Thread (@KawalCOVID19): Data Tak Mampu Lagi Berdusta (sebuah utas)

Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale - The New York Times

Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale - The New York Times

Pre-conference: 1st WHO Infodemiology Conference

Pre-conference: 1st WHO Infodemiology Conference

Funeral Home Workers | CDC

Funeral Home Workers | CDC : What funeral home workers need to know about handling decedents who had COVID-19.

Kajian UAS - PDPI: Sikap Muslim Menghadapi Pandemi


Funeral Home Workers | CDC

Funeral Home Workers | CDC : What funeral home workers need to know about handling decedents who had COVID-19.

8 Questions From a Disease Detective on the Pandemic’s Origins - The New York Times

8 Questions From a Disease Detective on the Pandemic’s Origins - The New York Times

Public Health On Call: 109 - COVID-19 Explained With Economist and Bestselling Author, Dr. Emily Oster

Public Health On Call: 109 - COVID-19 Explained With Economist and Bestselling Author, Dr. Emily Oster

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 with SARS-CoV and influenza pandemics - The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 with SARS-CoV and influenza pandemics - The Lancet Infectious Diseases

No, Your Face Mask Does Not Limit Oxygen Intake | Mental Floss

No, Your Face Mask Does Not Limit Oxygen Intake | Mental Floss : Face coverings are everywhere, leading some people to speculate they might limit oxygen intake or cause carbon dioxide (CO2) poisoning. It won't happen. Here's why.

Another Coronavirus Nursing-Home Disaster Is Coming - The Atlantic

Another Coronavirus Nursing-Home Disaster Is Coming - The Atlantic

No, Your Face Mask Does Not Limit Oxygen Intake | Mental Floss

No, Your Face Mask Does Not Limit Oxygen Intake | Mental Floss

An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided | Science Tech | EL PAÍS in English

An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided | Science Tech | EL PAÍS in English : An office, a restaurant and a bus were the settings for multiple infections that have been studied in detail by health authorities. Their conclusions offer valuable lessons for the deescalation process

An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided | Science Tech | EL PAÍS in English

An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided | Science Tech | EL PAÍS in English

Apply For A Grant - Tobacco Control Grants

Apply For A Grant - Tobacco Control Grants

Serious Illness Care Program COVID-19 Response Toolkit – Ariadne Labs COVID-19 Response

Serious Illness Care Program COVID-19 Response Toolkit – Ariadne Labs COVID-19 Response

Sosialisasi KMK 392 mengenai insentive Tenaga Kesehatan Regional Barat


Conversations on COVID-19 and Development: Takashi Miyahara


Webinars | Knowledge Portal

Webinars | Knowledge Portal : Free public webinar series presented by leading medicines policy researchers. The webinars aim to make recent, policy-relevant research more accessible to a global public audience, and to bring questions from communities of policy & practice to researchers.

Indonesia’s retail credit crunch requires action to keep shelves full during COVID-19

Indonesia’s retail credit crunch requires action to keep shelves full during COVID-19

China cuts Uighur births with IUDs, abortion, sterilization

China cuts Uighur births with IUDs, abortion, sterilization

Emerging COVID-19 success story: Germany’s strong enabling environment - Our World in Data

Emerging COVID-19 success story: Germany’s strong enabling environment - Our World in Data

Emerging COVID-19 success story: Vietnam’s commitment to containment - Our World in Data

Emerging COVID-19 success story: Vietnam’s commitment to containment - Our World in Data

Timeline of WHO’s response to COVID-19

Timeline of WHO’s response to COVID-19

Risk communication

Risk communication

Comments on The Blind Watchmaker

Comments on The Blind Watchmaker

Home workouts from Olympic athletes – Stay Strong

Home workouts from Olympic athletes – Stay Strong



How the Virus Won - The New York Times

How the Virus Won - The New York Times : Invisible outbreaks sprang up everywhere. The United States ignored the warning signs. We reconstructed how the epidemic spun out of control.

How the Virus Got Out - The New York Times

How the Virus Got Out - The New York Times

The Nature of Crises: An Analytical Perspective with Professor Erik Holl...


Countering Tobacco Industry Interference in the Time of COVID 19 Webinar


COVID-19: State Efforts on Testing and Contact Tracing


Combating Misinformation and Rumours | The Communication Initiative Network

Combating Misinformation and Rumours | The Communication Initiative Network

Draft landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines

Draft landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines

Policy Responses to COVID19

Policy Responses to COVID19

Stanford CME on COVID-19 Education | News | Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education | Stanford Medicine

Stanford CME on COVID-19 Education | News | Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education | Stanford Medicine

Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Workers Training Video


The Curious Case Of Typhoid Mary | Brit Lab


Webinar IGD: Intrahospital Disaster Plan Management: Pelayanan IGD Menyo...


MGMH Webinar: Addressing Self Harming Behaviors During a Pandemic


Pengajian Tarjih Online#89 "Protokol Kesehatan Salat Jemaah dan Jumat pa...


COVID-19 open source sources of information | IPCRG

COVID-19 open source sources of information | IPCRG

Perawatan bayi baru lahir & BBLR di masa pandemi COVID-19


Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 in Breastmilk from 18 Infected Women | medRxiv

Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 in Breastmilk from 18 Infected Women | medRxiv





Laporan Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan (Rifaskes) 2019 | Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Laporan Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan (Rifaskes) 2019 | Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Finding the evidence: Coronavirus – Knowledge & Library Services

Finding the evidence: Coronavirus – Knowledge & Library Services

Lesson 3: Transport and Movement of Patients with Confirmed or Suspected...


Precautions and Controls for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


Conversations on COVID-19 and Development: Vera Songwe


Smoking and COVID-19 - Fact Sheet | Vital Strategies

Smoking and COVID-19 - Fact Sheet | Vital Strategies

On Demand Webinar: Future of Human Experience 2030: A Dynamic Framework for Healthcare

On Demand Webinar: Future of Human Experience 2030: A Dynamic Framework for Healthcare

Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation tool

Laboratory Quality Stepwise Implementation tool

Coronavirus Q&A: Clinical Update with Carlos del Rio, MD


Penanganan Hewan Qurban Saat Pandemi


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Training

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Training

AORN Tool Kit - Coronavirus in the Operating room | AORN

AORN Tool Kit - Coronavirus in the Operating room | AORN

COVID-19: Resources Available to Address Concerns

COVID-19: Resources Available to Address Concerns

Klinisi di Pelayanan Rujukan | Forum Manajemen Covid

Klinisi di Pelayanan Rujukan | Forum Manajemen Covid

A modelling framework to assess the likely effectiveness of facemasks in combination with ‘lock-down’ in managing the COVID-19 pandemic | Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

A modelling framework to assess the likely effectiveness of facemasks in combination with ‘lock-down’ in managing the COVID-19 pandemic | Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

When and how to use masks

When and how to use masks : WHO's guidance and advice on the use of masks to protect against and limit the spread of COVID-19.

Using Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic | CDC

Using Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic | CDC : This page describes the landscape of telehealth services and provides considerations for healthcare systems, practices, and providers using telehealth services to provide care during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Using Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic | CDC

Using Telehealth to Expand Access to Essential Health Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic | CDC

Online Launch: 2020 Status Report on the National Implementation of the Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes

Online Launch: 2020 Status Report on the National Implementation of the Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes

Conversations on COVID-19 and Development: Lawrence Summers


Returning to work and COVID-19 | Prevent Epidemics

Returning to work and COVID-19 | Prevent Epidemics

Eleven epidemiological fallacies in COVID-19 | Prevent Epidemics

Eleven epidemiological fallacies in COVID-19 | Prevent Epidemics

Global Health

Global Health

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources | The Joint Commission

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources | The Joint Commission

Cuba sets example with successful programme to contain coronavirus | World news | The Guardian

Cuba sets example with successful programme to contain coronavirus | World news | The Guardian

COVID-19 Response – Pratham

COVID-19 Response – Pratham

Protests and Policing Will Worsen the Coronavirus Pandemic - The Atlantic

Protests and Policing Will Worsen the Coronavirus Pandemic - The Atlantic

Tradisi dan Pandemi - Covid 19 (edisi ringkas bag 1)(link full video di ...


Coronavirus, the rise of “acceptable authoritarianism” and the battle for democracy | Prospect Magazine

Coronavirus, the rise of “acceptable authoritarianism” and the battle for democracy | Prospect Magazine

8 Questions Employers Should Ask About Coronavirus

8 Questions Employers Should Ask About Coronavirus

What Organizations Need to Survive a Pandemic

What Organizations Need to Survive a Pandemic

Coronavirus Is Exposing Deficiencies in U.S. Health Care

Coronavirus Is Exposing Deficiencies in U.S. Health Care

The Problem with U.S. Health Care Isn’t a Shortage of Doctors

The Problem with U.S. Health Care Isn’t a Shortage of Doctors

Terobosan Teknologi Tangani COVID-19 | #InovasiAtasiCOVID19 x CNN Indonesia


Conversations on COVID-19 and Development: John Nkengasong


Regional WASH Webinar "Celebrating Innovations in Menstrual Health and H...


The Covid Pandemic: Interface with the Healthcare System, the Economy, R...


How to wear a medical mask


How to wear a fabric mask


Health technical webinars on COVID-19 - Dropbox

Health technical webinars on COVID-19 - Dropbox

Quick Safety Issue 54: Promoting psychosocial well-being of health care staff during crisis | The Joint Commission

Quick Safety Issue 54: Promoting psychosocial well-being of health care staff during crisis | The Joint Commission

Betsy Lehman Center | COVID-19 and Pregnancy in Massachusetts

Betsy Lehman Center | COVID-19 and Pregnancy in Massachusetts

Virtual Learning Hour Special Series: COVID-19 and Reopening Health Care | IHI - Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Virtual Learning Hour Special Series: COVID-19 and Reopening Health Care | IHI - Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Webinars - Action on Smoking and Health

Webinars - Action on Smoking and Health

Autopsies show how COVID-19 damages lungs more than flu | HTB | HIV i-Base

Autopsies show how COVID-19 damages lungs more than flu | HTB | HIV i-Base

Advancing Plain and Standardized Tobacco Packaging | Global Tobacco Control - Learning from the Experts

Advancing Plain and Standardized Tobacco Packaging | Global Tobacco Control - Learning from the Experts

How Some Countries Brought New Coronavirus Cases Down To Nearly Zero : Goats and Soda : NPR

How Some Countries Brought New Coronavirus Cases Down To Nearly Zero : Goats and Soda : NPR

Covid-19 study on hydroxychloroquine use questioned by 120 researchers and medical professionals | World news | The Guardian

Covid-19 study on hydroxychloroquine use questioned by 120 researchers and medical professionals | World news | The Guardian

Mad at the Government's COVID Response? Elect Doctors and Scientists | MedPage Today

Mad at the Government's COVID Response? Elect Doctors and Scientists | MedPage Today

What COVID-19 is Teaching Us About Healthcare Around the World

What COVID-19 is Teaching Us About Healthcare Around the World

World No Tobacco Day: COVID-19 and Tobacco Use


The Role of Doctors in the COVID-19 “Infodemic” – Lean Forward

The Role of Doctors in the COVID-19 “Infodemic” – Lean Forward

Countries failing to stop harmful marketing of breast-milk substitutes, warn WHO and UNICEF

Countries failing to stop harmful marketing of breast-milk substitutes, warn WHO and UNICEF

Open Education – Online courses & resources for eye health International Centre for Eye Health

Open Education – Online courses & resources for eye health International Centre for Eye Health

Community Eye Health Journal » COVID-19 and eye services

Community Eye Health Journal » COVID-19 and eye services

WHO teams up with Minions and Gru to show how people can stay safe from ...


Tobacco industry using 'deadly' tactics to hook kids: WHO - World - The Jakarta Post

Tobacco industry using 'deadly' tactics to hook kids: WHO - World - The Jakarta Post

South Korea re-imposes some coronavirus restrictions after spike in new cases | World news | The Guardian

South Korea re-imposes some coronavirus restrictions after spike in new cases | World news | The Guardian

Q&A session: Remote consultations NCSCT best practice guidance


How did these countries protect the elderly from Coronavirus?


The secret weapon against pandemics

Webinar on "COVID19: When will it be safe to loosen restrictions?


Synthetic Biology - Man Made Viruses

Synthetic Biology - Man Made Viruses

Test for Past Infection (Antibody Test) | CDC

Test for Past Infection (Antibody Test) | CDC : Provides information on antibody testing for COVID-19.

Germ Defence

Germ Defence



Training for Healthcare Professionals | CDC

Training for Healthcare Professionals | CDC

Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | CDC

Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | CDC

State Public Health | ASTHO

State Public Health | ASTHO

Demonstration of Donning (Putting On) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


COVID-19 in Primary Care: Supporting those Suffering and Recovering | IPCRG

COVID-19 in Primary Care: Supporting those Suffering and Recovering | IPCRG

Coronavirus hijacks cells in unique ways that suggest how to treat it - STAT

Coronavirus hijacks cells in unique ways that suggest how to treat it - STAT

Sweden in it for the long haul as country records most coronavirus deaths per capita in Europe - The Local

Sweden in it for the long haul as country records most coronavirus deaths per capita in Europe - The Local

COVID-19: Stop Smoking and Vaping to Protect Your Lungs - Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (en)

COVID-19: Stop Smoking and Vaping to Protect Your Lungs - Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (en)

A Second Opinion Podcast | Rethinking American Health | Senator Bill Frist

A Second Opinion Podcast | Rethinking American Health | Senator Bill Frist

Operational Preparedness & Planning of Hospitals in India towards COVID-...


Building Better Cities After Covid-19

Building Better Cities After Covid-19

Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response | Children for Health

Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response | Children for Health

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing - Statistics and Research - Our World in Data

Advice on the use of point-of-care immunodiagnostic tests for COVID-19

Advice on the use of point-of-care immunodiagnostic tests for COVID-19

WHO | WHO Global Patient Safety Network Webinar

WHO | WHO Global Patient Safety Network Webinar

Coronavirus films | Picturing Health

Coronavirus films | Picturing Health

covid-19-data/public/data at master · owid/covid-19-data · GitHub

covid-19-data/public/data at master · owid/covid-19-data · GitHub

Test for Past Infection | CDC

Test for Past Infection | CDC

COVID-19 Serology Surveillance Strategy | CDC

COVID-19 Serology Surveillance Strategy | CDC

To test or not to test? Two experts explain COVID-19 testing | World Economic Forum

To test or not to test? Two experts explain COVID-19 testing | World Economic Forum

Testing FAQ - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

Testing FAQ - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

How Coronavirus Tests Work | NOVA | PBS

How Coronavirus Tests Work | NOVA | PBS

What tests could potentially be used for the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19 and what are their advantages and disadvantages?  - CEBM

What tests could potentially be used for the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19 and what are their advantages and disadvantages?  - CEBM

COVID-19 animation: Coronavirus and antibody testing explained


SARS-CoV-2 Targets Many Cell Types, Analysis of Single-Cell Data Suggests |

SARS-CoV-2 Targets Many Cell Types, Analysis of Single-Cell Data Suggests |

The Role of Nutrition in the Immune System | Part I of II - Sight and Life

The Role of Nutrition in the Immune System | Part I of II - Sight and Life

Tobacco Industry Interference in Indonesia - STOP

Tobacco Industry Interference in Indonesia - STOP

Self-Testing and Self-Care: Breakthroughs for COVID : PSI

Self-Testing and Self-Care: Breakthroughs for COVID : PSI

Coronavirus Guide - AWARENESS TIES

Coronavirus Guide - AWARENESS TIES

The Convergence of COVID-19, Climate Change and Malnutrition - Sight and Life

The Convergence of COVID-19, Climate Change and Malnutrition - Sight and Life

When It Comes to Fighting Covid-19, Some Problems Can’t Be Masked | Infection Control Today

When It Comes to Fighting Covid-19, Some Problems Can’t Be Masked | Infection Control Today

Countries beating Covid-19 —

Countries beating Covid-19 —

What African Nations Are Teaching the West About Fighting the Coronavirus | The New Yorker

What African Nations Are Teaching the West About Fighting the Coronavirus | The New Yorker

Why diseases spread and why they stop | Adam Kucharski | 5x15


@KelasCISDI | Linktree

@KelasCISDI | Linktree

Expert Insights: Current Healthcare Systems and Vulnerable Populations i...


Review of B cells, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy


Yes, Face Masks ARE the New Condoms : PSI

Yes, Face Masks ARE the New Condoms : PSI

What Does COVID-19 Mean for the Future of Global Health? : PSI

What Does COVID-19 Mean for the Future of Global Health? : PSI : COVID-19 has completely changed how we live and work—and global health has become more important than ever. On April 7, Denver Frederick, the host of “The Business of Giving,” spoke with PSI CEO Karl Hofmann about the impact COVID-19 will soon have in the Global South, how self-care interventions can reduce the burden health systems … What Does COVID-19 Mean for the Future of Global Health? Read More »

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources | The Joint Commission

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources | The Joint Commission

Understanding Covid-19, a 'supernova in human history' - STAT

Understanding Covid-19, a 'supernova in human history' - STAT

Personal Protective Equipment | COVID-19 Hygiene Hub Resources

Personal Protective Equipment | COVID-19 Hygiene Hub Resources

Two Truths And A Lie: Misinformation And Public Health


COVID-19: Impacts on mental health | Prof Dinesh Bhugra, King's College ...


Vetted Non-Traditional Suppliers Offering PPE and Other Supplies and Services | AHRMM

Vetted Non-Traditional Suppliers Offering PPE and Other Supplies and Services | AHRMM





May 2020 AHA Team Training Webinar Recording


Clinical Effectiveness COVID-19 Resources Available to All | UpToDate

Clinical Effectiveness COVID-19 Resources Available to All | UpToDate

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Training

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Training



Downloadable Videos | CDC

Downloadable Videos | CDC

Staying Person Centered During Pandemics with Susan Frampton, Rhonda Wil...


QUTeX Real World Futures | The Future of Learning: The Impact of The Pan...


Recorded Webinar: How is COVID-19 impacting patients and their care? - VPN

Recorded Webinar: How is COVID-19 impacting patients and their care?

Smoking is Associated with COVID-19 Progression: A Meta-Analysis | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | Oxford Academic

Smoking is Associated with COVID-19 Progression: A Meta-Analysis | Nicotine & Tobacco Research | Oxford Academic

Infodemic: Coronavirus and the fake news pandemic


Analysis: India’s CO2 emissions fall for first time in four decades amid coronavirus

Analysis: India’s CO2 emissions fall for first time in four decades amid coronavirus

Independent SAGE 12 May Press Conference

Independent SAGE 12 May Press Conference

Immunity to COVID-19: Can I Get It Twice? – RetinaRisk

Immunity to COVID-19: Can I Get It Twice? – RetinaRisk

Webinar Recording: The emotional toll of COVID-19: consequences for healthcare staff and patients - VPN

Webinar Recording: The emotional toll of COVID-19: consequences for healthcare staff and patients

Covid-19 symptoms include blood clots, organ failure - CNN

Covid-19 symptoms include blood clots, organ failure - CNN : Covid-19 symptoms go beyond pneumonia to include blood clots, inflammation and even swollen toes.

Covid-19 symptoms include blood clots, organ failure - CNN

Covid-19 symptoms include blood clots, organ failure - CNN

How Coronavirus Spreads through the Air: What We Know So Far - Scientific American

How Coronavirus Spreads through the Air: What We Know So Far - Scientific American

Scientists: 'Exactly zero' evidence COVID-19 came from a lab | CIDRAP

Scientists: 'Exactly zero' evidence COVID-19 came from a lab | CIDRAP

A doctor’s dream: A pill for sleeping sickness


Indonesia fails in tobacco control measures - Health - The Jakarta Post

Indonesia fails in tobacco control measures - Health - The Jakarta Post

QUT - New mask material can remove virus-size nanoparticles

QUT - New mask material can remove virus-size nanoparticles

Preventing Coronavirus Transmission in Ambulatory Surgery Centers | The Joint Commission

Preventing Coronavirus Transmission in Ambulatory Surgery Centers | The Joint Commission

Quarantine Fatigue Is Real. Shaming People Won't Help. - The Atlantic

Quarantine Fatigue Is Real. Shaming People Won't Help. - The Atlantic

U.K. government should not keep scientific advice secret, former chief adviser says | Science | AAAS

U.K. government should not keep scientific advice secret, former chief adviser says | Science | AAAS

Health Education Strategies Certificate

Health Education Strategies Certificate

WHO statement: Tobacco use and COVID-19

WHO statement: Tobacco use and COVID-19

WHO & ISQua Special - Maintaining quality essential health services duri...


COVID19 | The Children for Health Response | Children for Health

COVID19 | The Children for Health Response | Children for Health

Factors to Consider when Purchasing Respirators From Another Country


Media briefing on COVID-19


How COVID-19 Can Spread in a Community


Expert Insights: Science, Bioethics, and the Pandemic.


How Pandemics End - The New York Times

How Pandemics End - The New York Times

Coronavirus long-term effects: Some Covid-19 survivors face lung scarring, heart damage, and anxiety - Vox

Coronavirus long-term effects: Some Covid-19 survivors face lung scarring, heart damage, and anxiety - Vox

‘Finally, a virus got me.’ Scientist who fought Ebola and HIV reflects on facing death from COVID-19 | Science | AAAS

‘Finally, a virus got me.’ Scientist who fought Ebola and HIV reflects on facing death from COVID-19 | Science | AAAS

Training for Healthcare Professionals | CDC

Training for Healthcare Professionals | CDC

Webinar April 22, 2020 - Psychological First Aid: Addressing Mental Health Distress During Disasters

Webinar April 22, 2020 - Psychological First Aid: Addressing Mental Health Distress During Disasters

How to Care for Healthcare Workers During a Pandemic and Beyond with Chr...


COVID-19 Research Page

COVID-19 Research Page

How Climate Change Is Contributing to Skyrocketing Rates… — ProPublica

How Climate Change Is Contributing to Skyrocketing Rates… — ProPublica

Seen 'Plandemic'? We Take A Close Look At The Viral Conspiracy Video's Claims : NPR

Seen 'Plandemic'? We Take A Close Look At The Viral Conspiracy Video's Claims : NPR

Emerging Tobacco Products in an Unregulated Market: Lessons from Guatemala


United Nations COVID-19 Response Creative Content Hub

United Nations COVID-19 Response Creative Content Hub

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Evidence Collection | Evidence Aid | Championing evidence-based humanitarian action

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Evidence Collection | Evidence Aid | Championing evidence-based humanitarian action

7 reasons to be very wary of "The Plandemic" - Big Think

7 reasons to be very wary of "The Plandemic" - Big Think

2019 Novel Coronavirus Research Compendium (NCRC)

2019 Novel Coronavirus Research Compendium (NCRC)

Covid-19 Update: Epidemiology, Virology, Drugs & Vaccines, and UCSF’s Ex...


Indonesia Covid-19 status comparison | COVID-19 reports.

Indonesia Covid-19 status comparison | COVID-19 reports.

Economic Strategy Group Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Crisis • The Aspen Institute Economic Strategy Group

Economic Strategy Group Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Crisis • The Aspen Institute Economic Strategy Group

Betsy Lehman Center | COVID-19 and Pregnancy in Massachusetts

Betsy Lehman Center | COVID-19 and Pregnancy in Massachusetts

Can You Save The World ? by Martin Jacob

Can You Save The World ? by Martin Jacob

When I had to stay at home — ELISABETH GIFFORD

When I had to stay at home — ELISABETH GIFFORD

Gender, power, and violence: A systematic review of measures and their association with male perpetration of IPV

Gender, power, and violence: A systematic review of measures and their association with male perpetration of IPV : Introduction Harmful gender norms, views on the acceptability of violence against women, and power inequities in relationships have been explored as key drivers of male perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV). Yet such antecedents have been inconsistently measured in the empirical literature. This systematic review aimed to identify which measures of gender inequitable norms, views, relations and practices are currently being used in the field, and which are most closely tied with male IPV perpetration. Methods We searched five electronic databases to identify studies published between 2000 and 2015 that reported the association between such gender inequities and male perpetration of IPV. Identified scales were categorized by content area and level of generality, as well as other attributes, and we compared the consistency of scale performance across each categor...

Gender and Power Metrics – A living database of scales and indicators that have been used to measure constructs of gender, agency, power, and control.

Gender and Power Metrics – A living database of scales and indicators that have been used to measure constructs of gender, agency, power, and control. : A living database of scales and indicators that have been used to measure constructs of gender, agency, power, and control.


Mangomoment : Mangomoment


Home : « » Introduction Healthcare workers providing care to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)-infected patients with slow course of the d...

Myth-Busting Coronavirus (COVID-19) with Dr. Fauci - Give Back #WithMe


Dr. Fauci Answers Trevor’s Questions About Coronavirus | The Daily Socia...


Communicating as a Family in Times of Crisis (Recorded Webinar)


20 Essential Resources: Social Norms and Family Planning

20 Essential Resources: Social Norms and Family Planning : 20 essential resources on social norms and family planning, curated by Knowledge SUCCESS and the Passages Project.

International Diabetes Federation - COVID-19 and diabetes

International Diabetes Federation - COVID-19 and diabetes : The global advocate for people with diabetes. The mission of IDF is to promote diabetes care, prevention and a cure worldwide.

Identifying Critical Infrastructure During COVID-19 | CISA

Identifying Critical Infrastructure During COVID-19 | CISA : There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof.

Tele Workshop COVID19 – Imani Care Indonesia

Tele Workshop COVID19 – Imani Care Indonesia : Jakarta, 24 April 2020 Pada hari Kamis, 23 April 2020 telah berlangsung acara Tele workshop yang diadakan atas kerjasama Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) Cabang Jakarta Pusat dengan IMANI Care. Acara tele workshop ini yang mengangkat tema “Pelayanan Ambulans & Transportasi Pasien dengan COVID19”  ini dimulai pada pukul 14.00 WIB sampai pukul 16.15 WIB. Tema […]

Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Isolation for Persons with COVID-19 | CDC

Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Isolation for Persons with COVID-19 | CDC : Decision memo with data supporting guidance on ending home isolation.



Katalog Media KIE Covid-19 di Pustaka PMI.xlsx - Google Drive

Katalog Media KIE Covid-19 di Pustaka PMI.xlsx - Google Drive

Role of Architecture in Fighting COVID-19 | MASS Design Group

Role of Architecture in Fighting COVID-19 | MASS Design Group

Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Isolation for Persons with COVID-19 | CDC

Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Isolation for Persons with COVID-19 | CDC : Decision memo with data supporting guidance on ending home isolation.

Sexual activity and contraceptive among teenagers in America

Products - Data Briefs - Number 366 - May 2020 : Educational Attainment of Mothers Aged 25 and Over: United States, 2017 contact information contact information : Due to the Covid-19 epidemy, we will provide a full community with 50GB storage and multi-user management free of charge to doctors/projects/hospitals in need. To get in touch with us, fill out this short contact form and describe how you are planning to use We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.

Virus-afflicted 2020 looks like 1918 despite science's march

Virus-afflicted 2020 looks like 1918 despite science's march : WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite a century's progress in science, 2020 is looking a lot like 1918. In the years between two lethal pandemics, one the misnamed Spanish flu, the other COVID-19, the...

Virus-afflicted 2020 looks like 1918 despite science's march

Virus-afflicted 2020 looks like 1918 despite science's march : WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite a century's progress in science, 2020 is looking a lot like 1918. In the years between two lethal pandemics, one the misnamed Spanish flu, the other COVID-19, the...

Virus-afflicted 2020 looks like 1918 despite science's march

Virus-afflicted 2020 looks like 1918 despite science's march : WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite a century's progress in science, 2020 is looking a lot like 1918. In the years between two lethal pandemics, one the misnamed Spanish flu, the other COVID-19, the...

What Happens Next? COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations

What Happens Next? COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations : an interactive guide

Contact Tracing as a Public Health tool to end lockdown during the COVID...


What Happens Next? COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations

What Happens Next? COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations : an interactive guide

The Great Realisation



Engage : Engage is a digital hub which will accelerate economic and social progress in the developing world through the power of science, technology and innovation.

(572) WHO & UNICEF WASH in health care facilities - YouTube

(572) WHO & UNICEF WASH in health care facilities - YouTube : Nikmati video dan musik yang Anda suka, upload konten asli, dan bagikan dengan teman, keluarga, serta dunia di YouTube.

The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others? - The New York Times

The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others? - The New York Times : Experts are trying to figure out why the coronavirus is so capricious. The answers could determine how to best protect ourselves and how long we have to.

FRESH Webinars/Web Meetings

FRESH Webinars/Web Meetings : FRESH Webinars & Web Meetings FRESH Partners often organize webinars and open web meetings as part of our activities. This page consolidates the web events into a convenient schedule and archive but...

Nurseups – Nurseups is an initiative to drive change in the nursing profession and society using videos of speeches and live events

Nurseups – Nurseups is an initiative to drive change in the nursing profession and society using videos of speeches and live events


SATMED : SATMED is a high quality e-health platform that is open, easy-to-use, readily available and accessible anywhere.

ISfTeH COVID-19 information and resources | News | ISFTeH - International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth

ISfTeH COVID-19 information and resources | News | ISFTeH - International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth

The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others? - The New York Times

The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others? - The New York Times : Experts are trying to figure out why the coronavirus is so capricious. The answers could determine how to best protect ourselves and how long we have to.

9-minute Quick Interview Cardinal Rules for Outbreaks


COVID-19: Removal and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


COVID-19: Donning of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


WHO: How to handrub? With alcohol-based formulation


The Safe Hands challenge


Thread by @CT_Bergstrom: 1. There's a relatively new study out of Denmark that estimates seroprevalence from nearly 10,000 blood donations by people age 17-69 to be…

Thread by @CT_Bergstrom: 1. There's a relatively new study out of Denmark that estimates seroprevalence from nearly 10,000 blood donations by people age 17-69 to be… : Thread by @CT_Bergstrom: 1. There's a relatively new study out of Denmark that estimates seroprevalence from nearly 10,000 blood donations by e 17-69 to be 1.7% (CI: 0.9-2.3).… 2. Based on these numbers, the authors estimate an i…

New FAQs address healthcare workers questions on breastfeeding and COVID-19

New FAQs address healthcare workers questions on breastfeeding and COVID-19 : Mothers and healthcare workers who support them have many questions and concerns about whether it is safe for mothers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 to be close to and breastfeed their babies during the pandemic.To address their questions, WHO has released a list of Frequently asked questions: Breastfeeding and COVID-19. The FAQ complements the WHO interim guidance: Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when COVID-19 is suspected and draws upon other WHO recommendations on infant and young child feeding.The FAQs aim to provide information to healthcare workers supporting mothers and families in maternity services and community settings, and communicate how the interim guidance should be implemented. Additionally, the FAQs provide information about the protective effects of breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact, and the harmful effects of inappropriate use of infant formula milk.Acco...

IFLA -- E4GDH & HBS webinar: Combating digital health inequality in the time of coronavirus

IFLA -- E4GDH & HBS webinar: Combating digital health inequality in the time of coronavirus

Combating digital health inequality in the time of coronavirus [IFLA E4G...


ACMT - Masks and COVID-19

ACMT - Masks and COVID-19

COVID19 Webinar Series: Masks and COVID19 N95, Surgical Masks, and Scarv...


Lexicomp | COVID-19 Resources Available to all

Lexicomp | COVID-19 Resources Available to all

Clean Hands Save Lives | Support and prevention to improve hand hygiene in health care

Clean Hands Save Lives | Support and prevention to improve hand hygiene in health care

Did Nobel Laureate Tasuku Honjo Say COVID-19 Was 'Man-Made'?

Did Nobel Laureate Tasuku Honjo Say COVID-19 Was 'Man-Made'? : Unlike new viruses, quotes can be manufactured with ease.

What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine | Bill Gates

What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine | Bill Gates : Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus.

Young Smokers in Indonesia at Greater Risk of Contracting Serious Cases of Covid-19

Young Smokers in Indonesia at Greater Risk of Contracting Serious Cases of Covid-19 : The oft-heard statement

Epidemiologist Vigilant about Jakarta's Decreasing COVID-19 Cases - engteco_news

Epidemiologist Vigilant about Jakarta's Decreasing COVID-19 Cases - engteco_news : UI Head of Epidemiology asks the government to remain vigilant in responding to the decreasing growth of COVID-19 cases.

Sampoerna factory closes after two COVID-19 deaths, authorities race to trace contacts - National - The Jakarta Post

Sampoerna factory closes after two COVID-19 deaths, authorities race to trace contacts - National - The Jakarta Post : The new Surabaya cluster identified at the cigarette factory has led to questions about the governments policy to allow factories to continue operating during the health crisis.

Moving a COVID-19+ patient or PUI from LDR to operating room for cesarea...


Topic | Therapeutic Guidelines

Topic | Therapeutic Guidelines

COVID-19 CHIC Member Resources - Google Dokumen

COVID-19 CHIC Member Resources - Google Dokumen : Last updated April 30, 2020 NEW: Emerging data section Community Health Impact Coalition members & the wider global health community are sharing COVID-19 explainers, internal policies, clinical protocols, & more live on this doc. The COVID-19 outbreak is a dynamic situation; this page c...

The Medical Mystery of Positive Covid-19 Tests in Recovered Patients

The Medical Mystery of Positive Covid-19 Tests in Recovered Patients : The Medical Mystery of Positive Covid-19 Tests in Recovered Patients - Even as Wuhan is declared free of cases, doctors and scientists are still baffled by persistent signs of coronavirus in some people weeks after they get well

COVID-19 in Rural Areas and Small Cities


Webinar March 18, 2020 - Communication Partnerships for Public Health Emergencies

Webinar March 18, 2020 - Communication Partnerships for Public Health Emergencies : CDC Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA). Providing clinicians the most current and reliable information on emerging public health threats, such as pandemics, natural disasters, and bioterrorism.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources | The Joint Commission

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources | The Joint Commission : Trusted guidance from The Joint Commission about the COVID-19 pandemic to support health care professionals and organizations on the front line, including a library of internal and external tools and resources.

Cross Sector Collaboration Making Partnerships Work for Your Community


Statement on universal masking of staff, patients, and visitors in health care settings | The Joint Commission

Statement on universal masking of staff, patients, and visitors in health care settings | The Joint Commission : The Joint Commission supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) revised infection prevention and control recommendations related to COVID-19.

Bill Gates explains his plan to end the coronavirus pandemic - Vox

Bill Gates explains his plan to end the coronavirus pandemic - Vox : Bill Gates saw the coronavirus coming. Here’s his plan to beat it.

COVID-19 in Rural Areas and Small Cities


How the COVID-19 Pandemic Could End - Scientific American

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Could End - Scientific American : Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.

Groups sow doubt about COVID vaccine before one even exists

Groups sow doubt about COVID vaccine before one even exists : NEW YORK (AP) — A coronavirus vaccine is still months or years away, but groups that peddle misinformation about immunizations are already taking aim, potentially eroding confidence in what could...

Widely Used Surgical Masks Are Putting Health Care Workers at Serious Risk - Scientific American

Widely Used Surgical Masks Are Putting Health Care Workers at Serious Risk - Scientific American : Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.

Study from Chinese City of Shenzhen, Outside Hong Kong in Southern China, Provides Key Insights on How Coronavirus Spreads - 2020 - News Releases - News - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Study from Chinese City of Shenzhen, Outside Hong Kong in Southern China, Provides Key Insights on How Coronavirus Spreads - 2020 - News Releases - News - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health : Epidemiological surveillance, isolation of infected patients, and quarantines used in the Chinese city of Shenzhen in early months of the COVID-19 outbreak allowed scientists to estimate important characteristics of this now-pandemic infectious disease.

Pandemi Coronavirus

NCTC, health groups urge Jokowi to ban smoking in COVID-19 ‘high-risk areas’ - National - The Jakarta Post

NCTC, health groups urge Jokowi to ban smoking in COVID-19 ‘high-risk areas’ - National - The Jakarta Post : Health organizations have called on the government to include a smoking ban among its COVID-19 mitigation efforts, citing several studies that link smoking to progressive and severe outcomes of the disease.

Kadinkes Provinsi Kalteng Sebut RSUD Rujukan Tidak Mampu Lagi Tampung Pasien Terkait Covid-19

Kadinkes Provinsi Kalteng Sebut RSUD Rujukan Tidak Mampu Lagi Tampung Pasien Terkait Covid-19

I'M THE BEST MUSLIM - Ep 02 - Avengers Muslim Buka Puasa


COVID-19 resources for librarians, campuses and health professionals

COVID-19 resources for librarians, campuses and health professionals : How to get free access to our coronavirus research, textbooks, text and data mining, clinical information and remote access

Coronavirus symptoms: CDC adds six symptoms for COVID-19

Coronavirus symptoms: CDC adds six symptoms for COVID-19 : Chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and a loss of taste or smell are the new symptoms added to the CDC list.

Infectious Disease Outbreak Research: Insights and Trends

Infectious Disease Outbreak Research: Insights and Trends : Over the past two decades, the world has faced several infectious disease outbreaks. Ebola, Influenza A (H1N1), SARS, MERS, Zika virus and, most recently, COVID-19, have had a massive global impact in terms of economic disruption, strain on local and glob...

Uncovering trends in outbreaks research and how it translates to patient care | Elsevier Scopus Blog

Uncovering trends in outbreaks research and how it translates to patient care | Elsevier Scopus Blog

Antibody Testing Alone is Not the Key to Re-Opening Society - leapsmag

Antibody Testing Alone is Not the Key to Re-Opening Society - leapsmag : A lack of data means that “immunity certificates” would have limited value

The Science behind How Coronavirus Tests Work - Scientific American

The Science behind How Coronavirus Tests Work - Scientific American : News videos covering science, health and technology at

Inside Wuhan: China’s struggle to control the virus — and the narrative | Free to read | Financial Times

Inside Wuhan: China’s struggle to control the virus — and the narrative | Free to read | Financial Times : Beijing is keen to portray a city returning to normal, but many still question what really happened

What 5 Coronavirus Models Say the Next Month Will Look Like - The New York Times

What 5 Coronavirus Models Say the Next Month Will Look Like - The New York Times : The least pessimistic model is the one most frequently cited by the White House.

Digital Policy for a Lockdown: How Tech Can Help Us Adapt to a Radically Altered World | Institute for Global Change

Digital Policy for a Lockdown: How Tech Can Help Us Adapt to a Radically Altered World | Institute for Global Change

Early Release - Coronavirus Disease Outbreak in Call Center, South Korea - Volume 26, Number 8—August 2020 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC

Early Release - Coronavirus Disease Outbreak in Call Center, South Korea - Volume 26, Number 8—August 2020 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC : We describe the epidemiology of a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in a call center in South Korea. We obtained information on demographic characteristics by using standardized epidemiologic investigation forms. We performed descriptive analyses and reported the results as frequencies and proportions for categoric variables. Of 1,143 persons who were tested for COVID-19, a total of 97 (8.5%, 95% CI 7.0%–10.3%) had confirmed cases. Of these, 94 were working in an 11th-floor call center with 216 employees, translating to an attack rate of 43.5% (95% CI 36.9%–50.4%). The household secondary attack rate among symptomatic case-patients was 16.2% (95% CI 11.6%– 22.0%). Of the 97 persons with confirmed COVID-19, only 4 (1.9%) remained asymptomatic within 14 days of quarantine, and none of their household contacts acquired secondary in...

How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes | Science | AAAS

How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes | Science | AAAS : The lungs are ground zero for COVID-19, but blood clots may play a surprisingly big role in severe illness

Coronavirus: are we underestimating how many people have had it? Sweden thinks so

Coronavirus: are we underestimating how many people have had it? Sweden thinks so : Swedish authorities claim the country is rapidly approaching herd immunity.

COVID-19 Health Literacy Project

COVID-19 Health Literacy Project : Creating and translating accessible COVID-19 information into different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care

TelemedicineConnect to Specialists and Facilitate Better Access to Care for Your Patients | Technology and Finance | AMA STEPS Forward | AMA Ed Hub

TelemedicineConnect to Specialists and Facilitate Better Access to Care for Your Patients | Technology and Finance | AMA STEPS Forward | AMA Ed Hub : Telemedicine can mitigate significant health care challenges such as fragmented care and disparities in access to care. Learn how to initiate a telemedicine model to better serve your patients in underserved or geographically remote locations.

Covid-19 could detonate a ‘hunger pandemic.’ With millions at risk, the world must act. - The Washington Post

Covid-19 could detonate a ‘hunger pandemic.’ With millions at risk, the world must act. - The Washington Post : Analysis by the World Food Program shows that 300,000 could starve to death every single day for the next three months.

Vietnam to ease nationwide coronavirus lockdown

Vietnam to ease nationwide coronavirus lockdown : Vietnam, which has reported under 300 cases of coronavirus and no deaths since the first infections were detected in January, said on Wednesday it would start lifting tough movement restrictions as most of Southeast Asia remained in lockdown. No provinces in Vietnam were now seen as "highly prone

Immunology wars: Monoclonal antibodies


There's an app for that: Coronavirus apps | Privacy International

There's an app for that: Coronavirus apps | Privacy International : ‘Let’s build an app for that’ has become the response to so many things. It’s no surprise it’s happening now.

Public health surveillance, AI bias, and risks to privacy in the fight a...


Strategic Intelligence

Strategic Intelligence : Strategic insights and contextual intelligence from the World Economic Forum. Explore and monitor the issues and forces driving transformational change across economies, industries and systems.

How can countries safely leave their coronavirus lockdowns? | World Economic Forum

How can countries safely leave their coronavirus lockdowns? | World Economic Forum : A new proposal could offer a quick and safe method for leaving lockdown, based on progressing joining 'green zones' when it is safe to do so.

The first modern pandemic | Bill Gates

The first modern pandemic | Bill Gates : The scientific advances we need to stop COVID-19.

COVID-19 and dermatology patients | DermNet NZ

COVID-19 and dermatology patients | DermNet NZ

How does the coronavirus work in my body?

How does the coronavirus work in my body? : Learn how the coronavirus works in the human body, and how the body can fight it!

Klinisi di Pelayanan Rujukan | Forum Manajemen Covid

Klinisi di Pelayanan Rujukan | Forum Manajemen Covid : Forum Manajemen COVID-19 yang dibentuk FK - KMK UGM menyelenggarakan diskusi klinis khususnya pelayanan rujukan. Diskusi ini menyediakan pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam menangani COVID-19. Diskusi diharapkan dapat membantu dokter Sspesialis, residen, dan dokter umum, dokter gigi, perawat dan tenaga klinisi lainnya memahami COVID-19. Reportase kegiatan yang lalu dapat diakses melalui link di bawah ini. Sebagai...

What does the coronavirus do in my body?

What does the coronavirus do in my body? : This course will cover what we know about how the coronavirus works in the human body, what health complications can arise, how the body fights back, and what you can do to keep yourself healthy.

Search - TRAIN Learning Network - powered by the Public Health Foundation

Search - TRAIN Learning Network - powered by the Public Health Foundation

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Training

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Training : Training related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is available through the TRAIN Learning Network, a national learning network that aggregates training opportunities for public health, healthcare, and preparedness professionals from thousands o

Marriage and men's health - Harvard Health

Marriage and men's health - Harvard Health : Statistics on marriage and health show that married men are healthier than unmarried or divorced men, and are also more likely to live longer. However, marital…

Pelayanan COVID-19 di poliklinik - JCI - Pakai VPN

Respirator Fit Testing


Search - TRAIN Learning Network - powered by the Public Health Foundation

Search - TRAIN Learning Network - powered by the Public Health Foundation

Fake News: How To Spot Misinformation: Life Kit : NPR

Fake News: How To Spot Misinformation: Life Kit : NPR : Experts say the coronavirus outbreak may be the biggest source of Internet misinformation ever. Fake cures, unscientific tips, and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 are flooding the Internet — but there are ways to sniff out misinformation.

The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital - AramcoWorld

The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital - AramcoWorld : By the mid-ninth century, more than 30 bimaristans—centers for treating illness and injury—were working from the Arab Middle East to Persia in

The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital - IslamiCity

The Islamic Roots of the Modern Hospital - IslamiCity : The hospital shall keep all patients, men and women, until they are completely recovered. All costs are to be borne by the hospital whether the people come from afar or near, whether they are resid... / Health - History - Islamic Culture And Civilization -

Opinion | Lockdown Can’t Last Forever. Here’s How to Lift It. - The New York Times

Opinion | Lockdown Can’t Last Forever. Here’s How to Lift It. - The New York Times : We need to hit and release the brakes on physical distancing, again and again, until we safely get to immunity.