
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2018: News release

European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2018: News release : On European Antibiotic Awareness Day, ECDC publishes the results of two point-prevalence surveys of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in hospitals and in long-term care facilities in the EU/EEA.

Sentinel Event Alert 60: Developing a reporting culture: Learning from close calls and hazardous conditions | Joint Commission

Sentinel Event Alert 60: Developing a reporting culture: Learning from close calls and hazardous conditions | Joint Commission : Identifying and reporting unsafe conditions before they can prevent harm, trusting that other staff and leadership will act on the report, and taking personal responsibility for one’s actions are critical to creating a safety culture and nurturing high reliability within a health care organization.

Sentinel Event Alert 57: The essential role of leadership in developing a safety culture | Joint Commission

Sentinel Event Alert 57: The essential role of leadership in developing a safety culture | Joint Commission : Sentinel Event Alert #56: In any health care organization, leadership’s first priority is to be accountable for effective care while protecting the safety of patients, employees, and visitors. Competent and thoughtful leaders contribute to improvements in safety and organizational culture. They understand that systemic flaws exist and each step in a care process has the potential for failure simply because humans make mistakes.

Human Placenta Project: How Does the Placenta Form? | NICHD - Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Human Placenta Project: How Does the Placenta Form? | NICHD - Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development : The illustrations below show how the human placenta develops. The timeline of placental development shows how the placenta changes over the course of pregnancy. A crucial stage of placental development is when blood vessels in the lining of the uterus are remodeled, increasing the supply of blood to the placenta. This process, called spiral artery remodeling, is also illustrated in close-up.

ECRI Guidelines Trust

ECRI Guidelines Trust

The Thruth

Thruth initiative

Health warning databases


Tobacco control vital strategies

Vital strategies di Indonesia

DocCom > Resources > Newsletters

DocCom > Resources > Newsletters

Tobacco Prevention Tool Kit | Tobacco Prevention Toolkit | Stanford Medicine

Tobacco Prevention Tool Kit | Tobacco Prevention Toolkit | Stanford Medicine : Providing educational materials for tobacco and nicotine education.

Belly fat linked with higher heart disease risk - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing

Belly fat linked with higher heart disease risk - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing : Lifestyle changes and regular exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight, avoid or reduce belly fat, and lower your risk for heart disease.

10 behaviors for healthy weight loss - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing

10 behaviors for healthy weight loss - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing : Trying to lose weight and keep it off can be frustrating, but adopting certain healthy behaviors in your food buying and eating habits can make the challenge of losing weight more manageable.

Parent Webinars -

Parent Webinars - : ​ parent webinars are designed to help you wherever you are on your parenting journey by offering research-supported child health and safety information and immediately useable tips and suggestions. Check out our archives to watch a previously recorded webinar.

Watch This Blob of Cells Become an Embryo in High-Resolution - The New York Times

Watch This Blob of Cells Become an Embryo in High-Resolution - The New York Times : Researchers developed a new microscope that traces embryonic cell movement in real time, sketching a virtual map of how organ systems develop.

WHO | Management of dead bodies: Frequently asked questions

WHO | Management of dead bodies: Frequently asked questions

Resources | Evidence Aid | Championing the evidence-based approach in humanitarian action since 2004

Resources | Evidence Aid | Championing the evidence-based approach in humanitarian action since 2004

Special Collection - Cochrane & Evidence Aid: resources for earthquakes | Cochrane Library

Special Collection - Cochrane & Evidence Aid: resources for earthquakes | Cochrane Library

Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication

Social Media Use in Crisis and Risk Communication

AHA Team Training Webinar's Library


Tobacco UN

Lebih banyak mudhorot daripada manfaat - alkohol

Baby Formula Industry Has A Long History Of Undermining Breastfeeding Moms | HuffPost

Baby Formula Industry Has A Long History Of Undermining Breastfeeding Moms | HuffPost : This started way before President Trump and will likely continue long after him.

Sir Ronald Ross collections | LSHTM

Sir Ronald Ross collections | LSHTM : Sir Ronald Ross is famous for being the discoverer of the mosquito transmission of malaria and the first Briton to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

The Great Sperm Race (Human Anatomy Documentary) | Spark


E-cigarettes, Juuls and Heat-Not-Burn Devices: The Science and Regulation of Vaping | Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health Magazine

E-cigarettes, Juuls and Heat-Not-Burn Devices: The Science and Regulation of Vaping | Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health Magazine : E-cigarettes can help some people quit smoking but may entice others to start. So how should they be regulated?

Wartawan makin susah di era Sisi

susah kalau dikaitkan dengan Ikhwanul Muslimin

BreatheLife Video Library - BreatheLife 2030

BreatheLife Video Library - BreatheLife 2030 : Learn how air pollution impacts our climate and health with our latest videos available in multiple languages.

WHO | SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands 5 May 2018

WHO | SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands 5 May 2018 : 5 May 2018 - It’s in your hands – prevent sepsis in health care

Toenail fungus

Considering cataract surgery? What you should know - Harvard Health

Considering cataract surgery? What you should know - Harvard Health : Cataract surgery is low-risk, fast, and effective. There are a variety of artificial lens replacements, and finding the best option may depend on cost of the…

AI software that helps doctors diagnose like specialists is approved by FDA - The Verge

AI software that helps doctors diagnose like specialists is approved by FDA - The Verge : For the first time, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved an artificial intelligence diagnostic device that doesn’t need a specialized doctor to interpret the results. The software program, called IDx-DR, can detect a form of eye disease by looking at photos of the retina.

CoP Anti Fraud

CoP Anti Fraud

The Global Tobacco Epidemic: Robert Proctor


Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance

Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance

Clinical Supervision for Health Professionals - Online Course

Clinical Supervision for Health Professionals - Online Course

Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing  -

Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing  - : Clinical Chemistry is pleased to present the Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing, a series of educational articles on how to design and write scientific research papers for publication. These articles will help authors, educators, researchers, training program directors, and other professionals write more clearly and effectively, thereby improving their chances for success. We encourage educators and training program directors to use them as a teaching aid, and provide a link to them on their own Web sites.

100 Percent Breastfed

100 Percent Breastfed

100% Breastfed: The importance of breastfeeding your baby


Hingga Batas Akhir, Indonesia Belum Ratifikasi Konvensi FCTC -

Hingga Batas Akhir, Indonesia Belum Ratifikasi Konvensi FCTC - : Meski sudah melewati batas waktu yang ditentukan, Indonesia belum juga menantangani dan meratifikasi Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Putusan uji materiil terhadap Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19/2003 tentang pengawasan rokok pun belum turun dari Mahkamah Agung.

Kemenperin: Kemenperin Tolak Ratifikasi FCTC

Kemenperin: Kemenperin Tolak Ratifikasi FCTC : Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.109/2012

Indonesia belum ratifikasi FCTC

Indonesia belum ratifikasi FCTC : Hal ini terganjal, dikarenakan tiga kementerian yaitu Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin), Kemendag...

Inilah Ruginya Indonesia Karena Belum Ratifikasi FCTC - Health

Inilah Ruginya Indonesia Karena Belum Ratifikasi FCTC - Health : Indonesia satu-satunya negara di regional Asia yang belum menandatangani dan mengaksesi Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

Belum Ratifikasi FCTC, Indonesia Angkat Suara di Pertemuan Regional WHO

Belum Ratifikasi FCTC, Indonesia Angkat Suara di Pertemuan Regional WHO : "Kita memang belum meratifikasi FCTC," kata Kepala Balitbangkes RI. Disebut hanya satu negara yang belum meratifikasi FCTC, apakah Indonesia merasa disentil?

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia : Produksi tembakau di Indonesia sebesar 1,91% dari total produksi dunia

Soal Ratifikasi FCTC, Jokowi Tak Mau Indonesia Asal Ikut Tren -

Soal Ratifikasi FCTC, Jokowi Tak Mau Indonesia Asal Ikut Tren - : Presiden Joko Widodo menegaskan Indonesia tidak mau latah mengikuti negara-negara lain yang menandatangani Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Baca komentar dibawahnya.

Resources on cervical cancer